Seggiano Pecorino Cheese
The better Pecorino you will ever eat !
During my cooking classes I always have a break before “Pasta Time”!
And I use to offer the participants a good white wine or Prosecco with these soft and tasty pulps of Pecorino Cheese !
I buy it from “ Seggiano” that is a little and charming village on the slopes of “Amiata” mountain in the south of Tuscany, between Val d’Orcia (UNESCO World Heritage Site) and the province of Grosseto. This cheese is made by using the artisan methods that have never changed over the years in cheese production. In fact the secret of their excellent production originated from a traditional dairy family’s recipe. They select raw materials and dairy craftsmanship that make this Pecorino inimitable!
This one you can see in the picture is named “Grotta delle Fate” and aged in caves for 6/7 months and it is my favorite, also my client’s one!
I would really like you to try and taste it but it is very difficult at the moment to export it…. in the meanwhile you could come to Tuscany and try it !